中华环保联合会 今天是2025年02月08日






2018.10— 至今 中建三局绿色产业投资有限公司 先后任职水务环保事业部副总经理,华北公司执行总经理、公司副总工

2018.04-2018.09 中建生态环境集团有限公司 任职设计部助理总经理

2017.04-2018.03 北控水务(中国)投资有限公司任职水环境研究院高级水环境工程师

2015.10-2017.03 中科嘉亿生态工程技术有限公司先后任职生态工程技术研究院副院长、公司副总经理

2014.07-2016.06 中国科学院生态环境研究中心任职中科院环境生物技术重点实验室 博士后研究员

2013.04-2013.09 新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)任职高等环境生物技术中心(AEBC) 助理研究员


科学技术奖(1 项):


国家标准(2 项):

《水回用导则 污水再生处理技术与工艺评价方法》(参编)


团体标准(3 项):




专利(3 项):




SCI 论文(8 篇)

1.Luo, J., Zhang, J., Tan, X., McDougald, D., Zhuang, G., Fane, A.G., Kjelleberg, S., Cohen, Y. and Rice, S.A. (2014) The correlation between biofilm biopolymer composition and membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactors. Biofouling 30(9), 1093-1110. (IF: 3.701)

2.Luo, J., Zhang, J., R. Barnes, Tan, X., McDougald, D., Zhuang, G., Fane, A.G., Kjelleberg, S., Cohen, Y. and Rice, S.A. (2015) The application of nitric oxide to control biofouling of membrane bioreactor. Microbial Biotechnology 8(3), 549-560. (IF: 3.991)

3.Luo, J., Zhang, J., Tan, X., McDougald, D., Zhuang, G., Fane, A.G., Kjelleberg, S.,Cohen, Y. and Rice, S.A. (2015) Characterization of the archaeal community fouling a membrane bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Sciences 29, 115-123. (IF: 2.002)

4.Luo, J., Lv, P., Zhang, J., Fane, A.G., Mcdougald, D. and Rice, S.A. (2017) Succession of biofilm communities responsible for biofouling of membrane bio-reactors (MBRs). PloS one 12(7), e0179855.

5.Lv, P. †, Luo, J.†, X. Zhuang, D. Zhang, Z. Huang and Z. Bai (2017). Diversity of culturable aerobic denitrifying bacteria in the sediment, water and biofilms in Liangshui River of Beijing, China. Scientific Reports 7: 10032. (†: 并列第一作者)

6.Zhang, D.†, Luo, J.†, Lee, Z.M.P., Gersberg, R.M., Liu, Y., Tan, S.K. and Ng, W.J. (2016a) Characterization of microbial communities in wetland mesocosms receiving caffeine-enriched wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-14. (†: 并列第一作者)

7.Zhang, D.†, Luo, J.†, Lee, Z.M.P., Maspolim, Y., Gersberg, R.M., Liu, Y., Tan, S.K. and Ng, W.J. (2016b) Characterization of bacterial communities in wetland mesocosms receiving pharmaceutical-enriched wastewater. Ecological Engineering 90, 215-224. (†: 并列第一作者)

8.Zhang, D.†, Luo, J.†, Lee, Z.M.P., Gersberg, R.M., Liu, Y., Tan, S.K. and Ng, W.J. (2015) Ibuprofen removal in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: treatment performance and fungal community dynamics. Environmental Technology, 1-33. (†: 并列第一作者)
