中华环保联合会 今天是2025年02月09日















2022.03 至 今:天津大学环境科学与工程学院,环境工程系,副研究员


2018.08—2020.09:清华大学环境学院,环境科学系,博士后(合作导师:胡洪营 教授)




2017.08—2017.10:美国哥伦比亚大学Earth Engineering Center,交流生




“微型小流量高抗堵塞分形流道滴灌带” 列入《2017年度水利先进实用技术重点推广指导目录》,认定为水利先进实用技术,2017


天津大学战略布局-乡村振兴专项:宕昌县大棚蔬菜化肥减量及水肥一体化联合调控技术研发应用, 2022/01-2022/12,项目负责人


天津大学战略布局-乡村振兴专项:宕昌县农业施肥对小流域水体污染的影响及施肥量控制阈值研究, 2021/01-2021/12,项目负责人


国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项:苏州区域水质提升与水生态安全保障技术及综合示范项目, 2017/01-2020/06,技术骨干



[1] WANG Tianzhi, ZHANG Tianjiao, DAI Xingda, WANG Weijie, WANG Jiehua. Novel control strategies of biofilm in reclaimed water distribution systems from the perspective of microbial antagonism and electrochemistry. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 9697(22): 02382-810.

[2] WANG Tianzhi, WANG Weijie, HU Hongying, Soon-Thiam Khu. Effect of Coagulation on Bio-treatment of Textile Wastewater: Quantitative Evaluation and Application. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 312: 127798

[3] WANG Tianzhi, WANG Weijie, HU Hongying, Soon-Thiam Khu. Novel Quantitative Evaluation of Biotreatment Suitability of Wastewater. Water, 2022, 14(7), 1038

[4] WANG Tianzhi, DAI Xingda, ZHANG Tianjiao, WANG Jiehua. Formation and Microbial Composition of Biofilms in Drip Irrigation System under Three Reclaimed Water Conditions. Water, 2022, 14(8): 1216

[5] Tianzhi Wang*, Zucheng Guo, Yaojie Shen, et al. Accumulation mechanism of biofilm under different water shear forces along the networked pipelines in a drip irrigation system. Scientific Reports,2020, 10(1)

[6] Wang Tianzhi, Xu Zhenci, Li Yunkai, et al. Biofilm growth kinetics and nutrient (N/P) adsorption in an urban lake using reclaimed water: A quantitative baseline for ecological health assessment. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 71: 598~607

[7] WANG Tianzhi, LI Yunkai, XU Tingwu, et al. Biofilm microbial community structure in an urban lake utilizing reclaimed water. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(4): 1-14

[8] Tianzhi Wang, Yunkai Li, Minchao Liang, et al. Biofilms on the surface of gravels and aquatic plants in rivers and lakes with reusing reclaimed water.Environmental Earth Sciences. 2014, 2(3): 743-755

[9] Wang Tianzhi*, Guo Zuzheng, Yan Jun, et al. Microbial mechanism of organic contaminant removal of sodium bentonite/clay (BC) mixtures in high-permeability regions utilizing reclaimed wastewater. SN Applied Sciences, 2019, 1(4)

[10] Tianzhi Wang*, Zucheng Guo, Chih-Ting Kuo. Effects of Mixing Yellow River Water with Brackish Water on the Emitter’s Clogging Substance and Solid Particles in Drip Irrigation. SN Applied Sciences, 2019, 1(1269)

[11] Peng Hou#, Tianzhi Wang#, Bo Zhou, et al. Variations in the microbial community of biofilms under different near-wall hydraulic shear stresses in agricultural irrigation systems. Biofouling, 2020, 1(36)

[12] Bo Zhou1, Tianzhi Wang1, Vincent F Bralts, et al. Effects of microbial community variation on bio-clogging in drip irrigation emitters using reclaimed water. Agricultural Water Management. 2017, 194: 139-149(共同一作)

[13] Mingchao Liang1, Tianzhi Wang1, Peiling Yang, et al. Structural and fractal characteristics of biofilm attached on the surfaces of aquatic plants and gravels in the rivers and lakes reusing reclaimed wastewater. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2013, 70(5): 2319-2333(共同一作)

[14] Zhongwei Liu, Yunkai Li, Yang Xiao, Tianzhi Wang, Qi Lang. Effects of riverbed and lake bottom sediment thickness on infiltration and purification of reclaimed water. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76 (1) :37

[15] Bo Zhou, Di Wang, Tianzhi Wang, Yunkai Li. Chemical Clogging Behavior in Drip Irrigation Systems Using Reclaimed Water. Transactions of the ASABE, 2018, 61(5): 1667-1675

[16] Bo Zhou, Yunkai Li, Peng Song, Tianzhi Wang, Yinguang Jiang, Honglu Liu. Formulation of an Emitter Clogging Control Strategy for Drip Irrigation with Reclaimed Water: Formulation of an Emitter Clogging Control Strategy for Drip Irrigation with Reclaimed Water, Irrigation and Drainage, 2016, 65 (4)

[17] Zigong Ning, Mingchao Liang, Zhenhua Wang, Yunkai Li, Yaoze Liu, Tianzhi Wang. Nitrogen and phosphate adsorption on biofilms in reclaimed water.Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015, 74(1): 451-461

[18] 王天志,胡洪营,巫寅虎.纳管印染废水生物处理特性及其定量评价方法,环境工程学报,2020, 14(11): 3021-3029

[19] 王天志*,郭祖诚,闫军.引黄滴灌条件下混配水对堵塞物质表面特征的影响,农业机械学报.2019,50(11):267-277

[20] 王天志, 王迪, 徐飞鹏.高钙镁离子地下水滴灌施肥系统堵塞效应. 排灌机械工程学报, 2017, 35(4):345-350.

[21] 王天志*,胡洪营.再生水补给型河道减渗对河床介质中污染物去除的微生物学机制研究.第三届全国水处理与回用学术会议,2019: 35-38

[22] 王天志*,胡洪营.再生水滴灌条件下抗堵塞灌水器流道近壁面适宜剪切力控制阈值研究.第三届全国水处理与回用学术会议,2019: 123-126

[23] 信常春,王天志,张颖,邱顺添,等.给水管网管壁生物膜对水质变化的影响综述[C].中国给水排水杂志社,第九届饮用水安全保障技术交流会论文集.杭州:中国给水排水杂志社,2021:103-113

[24] 李云开,冯吉,宋鹏,周博,王天志,薛松.低碳环保型滴灌技术体系构建与研究现状分析.农业机械学报,2016,47(6):83-92


[1] 胡洪营,王天志,巫寅虎. 国家发明专利:一种废水生物处理特性评价方法. 专利号:201911132489.7

[2] 郭祖诚,王天志,郭致廷(台湾),闫军,曲磊. 国家发明专利:一种垃圾焚烧发电热电联产与水热液化协同处置城市生活垃圾的方法. 公告号:CN 109099435 A

[3] 李云开,王克远,王天志,张志静.国家发明专利:利用微生物拮抗作用清除滴灌系统灌水器堵塞的方法.专利号:ZL 201410019340.9

[4] 李云开,王天志,冯吉,裴旖婷.国家发明专利:滴灌系统管壁附生生物膜培养装置及其使用方法.专利号:ZL201410076970.x

[5] 李云开,周博,王天志,吴乃阳.国家发明专利:滴灌灌水器附生生物膜模拟培养装置及其应用.专利号: ZL201410105514.3

[6] 李云开, 王伟楠, 王天志, 冯吉. 国家发明专利:滴灌系统灌水器内部堵塞物质分布的原位测试与评价方法.专利号:CN201510224934.8
