新晋国外专家|水专委聘请美国普渡大学农业与生物工程学院Bernard Engel(伯纳德.恩格尔)教授担任中华环保联合会水专委专家委员职务
发布日间:2021-01-29 浏览次数:1759
热烈欢迎美国普渡大学农业与生物工程学院Bernard Engel(伯纳德.恩格尔)教授/副院长加入中华环保联合会水环境治理专业委员会,担任水专委专家委员职务,特此颁发聘书。
作为水专委国际专家委员之一,Bernard Engel教授将结合国外流域水环境综合治理经验,在农业流域、城市流域水、改善水质和减少径流的优化选择和布置保护措施等方面为水专委建言献策,为水专委会员单位提供水环境污染防治技术相关咨询服务,积极支持水专委开展国内外环保技术交流活动,为中国水环境保护治理贡献力量。
▶ 专家简介
Bernard Engel(伯纳德.恩格尔),博士,教授,美国普渡大学农业与生物工程学院副院长。1988年获得普渡大学博士学位。Bernard Engel教授是流域环境模拟、环境信息系统等领域的国际知名专家。担任美国农业工程师学会、国家专业工程师学会、水土保持学会、美国土木工程师学会、美国农业和生物工程师学会(ASABE)会员,并获得ASABE吉利学术领先人物奖。在全球非点源污染模型研究领域,被公认为8位最具生产力的作者之一。
Bernard Engel(伯纳德.恩格尔)
Bernard Engel教授专注于土壤和水文/水质模型的开发和应用,开发了易于使用的环境决策支持工具,应用于地理信息系统、遥感、优化和人工智能等领域。
Bernard Engel教授曾在Journal of Hydrology、Journal of environmental management、Science of The Total Environment 等多家国际学术期刊上发表过学术论文。多次受到中国农业大学、中国地质大学、武汉大学等高校邀请参加学术交流活动。
▶Registration Form_engel
Bernard A. Engel is a Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and Associate Dean of Agricultural Research and Graduate Education. received his ph.d. from purdue university in 1988. Bernard Engel is an internationally renowned expert in watershed environmental modeling, environmental information systems, etc.He is a Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, Soil and Water Conservation Society, American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). He is a recipient of the ASABE Gilley Academic Leadership Award. He is recognized among the 8 most productive authors globally in nonpoint source pollution modeling research.
His research interests are Soil and Water Engineering with a focus on hydrologic/water quality model development and application. In addition, he develops readily used environmental decision support tools. These application areas are supported with research in fields of GIS, remote sensing, optimization, and artificial intelligence.
Dr. Bernard has published academic papers in many international academic journals, such as journal of hydrology, Journal of environmental management, science of the total environment, etc. He has been invited by China Agricultural University, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan University and other universities for academic exchange activities.